Monday, February 2, 2009

A Reason...An Idea

Today was fun. We did the grocery store, Jump City and Chick-fil-A...all four kids...and our super friends the Graham Fam! Julia and Haviland worked out a plan that they could play at Haviland's house, even if all they were doing was folding clothes. As we were leaving Julia says, across the restaurant, "Bye Ella, I'll miss you!" I'm sure that they could have close relationships if they weren't together all day, but I love, love, LOVE to see the relationships among my children grow into such sweet blessings. So, that's one reason why I love homeschooling...relationships.

The next funny thought I had was this; I could totally teach from the J. Peterman catalog! If you have never read it, or think it is a fictional catalog from Seinfeld, you are in for a treat! Here is a little sample. I love the description and the imagery...taken from the Carnival 2009
" Vittorio saunters out into the warm spring day and heads for the office, an outdoor cafe near the Piazza Signoria. Wraparound Fendi sunglasses. Copy of Corriere della Sera. This jacket.

He pauses at the corner to purchase a rose from the ancient gypsy woman, a notorious former pickpocket, inserts it into the buttonhole of his lapel. 'Grazie, signore.' Once he is seated at his usual curbside table, he will pretend to read the paper all afternoon, pausing only to listen silently when an occasional Vespa driver pauses to say a few words to him.

It has been suggested that he communicates back by his eyebrow gestures and the number of cuff buttons he leaves undone."

It might just be me...but I love reading this catalog. It may not make it into the "Great Conversation" but I think it sure makes for great conversation! Not too much meat today, just a picture of what goes on in my head! Anyone know of a co-op looking for an "out of the box" writing program? HA!

If you want to sport Vittorio's jacket, it will only put you out $229.00